Meditation for Magickal Name
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Meditation for Magickal Name

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The Meditation
If you have access to a tape recorder, you should
record the following meditation as it is very easy to allow your mind to travel with this method.

If you are one that has a good clear memory, then you may choose to do it entirely from memory.

For this exercise to begin, you need to do whatever it takes to relax, clear and protect your mind.

"You are standing at the edge of a forest. You are on a path that has come through a meadow of tall grass.
Upon the path, you are aware of birds and other
animals' presence. You can hear and see the animals
scurrying in the grass around you. You can smell the
various scents of flower and weed as you walk barefoot through the soft loose dirt of the path. There are areas where the grass covers the path, but it is very soft and pleasant to your feet. There is a taste of freshness in the air as if it has just rained, yet the path is dry.

As you enter the forest, you notice that the trails of animals are leading off in different directions. You stop to consider the animals that made these trails through the woods. There are larger paths and smaller ones.

Look down these pathways and determine if you can see one of these animals. Choose a path and follow it. The path leads a winding trail deeper and deeper into the forest. There is no human life this deep within the woods.

Up ahead is a clearing, and you head towards it. In
the clearing, you see what looks like steps. As you
near the object, you see that it is the steps of a
very ancient building. Look around you and see that
all paths end here.

Climbing the steps, you come to a great door with a
polished knocker, which you use to rap on the door.
The door opens to you. Before you are more steps. Look around, what do you see ? Now, climbing the inner stairway, you reach the upper room without a door. As you enter the room you notice that it is a library in which are thousands of books. Look around, and if you feel drawn to a particular section, maybe you'll be drawn to a particular book. Take this book, and examine its cover. What do you see ?

Mark this well within your mind.

Replacing the book, descend the inner stairwell and
exit the building. The door closes behind you as you
descend the outer steps. Remember and find the SAME
PATH that brought you here. Follow the path back
through the forest the same way you came. You find
yourself back at the edge of the forest again at the
meadow. Turn around and thank the animal that made
this path. Go back through the meadow, noticing the
birds and animals, sights, sounds and smells of the
journey as before. Return to your body."

Open your eyes slowly, and breath normally. Move your limbs fingers and toes, you have returned. Write down this experience in your mirror book. Remember what you saw in the library. The information that you received will lead you to a magickal name. Follow up on this information, and pay close attention to detail.