Magickal Names
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Some Alternative Magickal Names
When choosing a magikcal name, it should have some kind of meaning to you, and if none of these speak out to you, ask for one to be given to you either in a dream, or while meditating.


Names Based on the Elements:
EARTH: Alluvia, Arroyo, Beck, Brae, Cairn, Chalcedon, Clay, Grag, Crystal, Dolman, Dune, Gemma, Greenwood, Grove, Jet, Ley, Mesa, Moraine, Obsidian, Onyx, Ravine, Savanna, Shale, Stone, Sylvan, Sylvana, Tarn, Telluria, Topaz, Tor, Vale.

AIR: Aether, Anemone, Argone, Boreas, Cardea, Gale, Hurikan, Keen, Khamseen, Mesembria, Miasma, Myst, Notus, Scirocco, Skye, Tempest, Typhon, Vortex, Windflower, Zephyr.

FIRE: Agni, Ardent, Baelfire, Blaze (my nephews middle name), Candelifera, Censer, Chandelle, Dittany, Ember, Firefly, Flame, Flint, Forge, Magma, Phoenix, Prometheus, Pyrrha, Salamander, Scorch, Smoke, Smolder, Sylph, Tallow, Taper, Torch, Vesta, Vulcan.

WATER: Amberella, Amphora, Aquamarine, Avalanche, Brine, Brook, Cascade, Chalice, Delta, Deluge, Dylan, Hailstone, Hoarfrost, Llyr, Maelstrom, Monsoon, Niagra, Nile, Oasis, Oshun, Pearl, Rain, Riverine, Scald, Serac, Storm, Telchine, Tide, Torrent, Trill, Tsunami, Wave, Weir.

Names From The Deva Kingdom:
Any flower, herb, or tree can be used from magickal names. Herbal names are common in the magickal community, but plants not usually heard include: Agrimony, Aloe, Amaranth, Anise, Betony, Buckthorn, Chervil, Damiana, Elecampane, Gentian, Germander, Lovage, Mastic, Medlar, Melilot, Oleander, Pomegranate, Savin, Samphire, Tamarind, Tarragon, and Yarrow.

You might want to choose the name of a plant that is considered especially magickal, such as Aconite, Belladonna, Blackthorn, Bryony, Galangal, Hellebore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Rowan, Vervain, or Wolfbane.

Names From Myth and Legend:
Legendary and historical figures are archetypes that make powerful magickal names. Male power names include: Anu, Cernonnos or kernunnos, Shango, Cuchulain, Gilgamesh, Hercules, Marduk, Poseidon, Samson, Taranis, and Thor.

Female power names include: Ambika, Boadicea, Cartimandua, Delilah, Durga, Galiana, Kali, Macha Mong Ruadh, Morrigan, Myrine, Nessa, Onomaris, Oya, Scathach, and Vashti.

Female Amazon names include: Aella, Antandre, Antianira, Antiope, Clymene, Evandre, Harpe, Hippolyta, Lyce, Melanippe, Myrina, Omphale, Otrete, Pantariste, Panthesilea, Polydora, Thalestris, Thoe, and Xanthe.

Male centaur names include: Ancius, Argius, Centaurus, Chiron, Crotus, Dexamenus, Elatus, Eurytion, Hippotion, Hylaeus, Nessus, Oreus, Phrixus, and Thereus.

Satyr names include: Astraeus, Gemon, Lamis, Leneus, Lycon, Napaeus, Orestes, Pan, Petraeus, Phareus, Pithos, Poemenius, Satyr, Satyrion, Satyrius, Satyros, and Silenus.

Names of Nymphs include: Abrya, Andrastea, Anthracia, Asteria, Asterodia, Chian, Chryse, Cranae, Dryope, Echo, Harmonia, Leuce, Marica, Menthe, Moria, Myrtoessa, Neda, Nephele, Orphne, Perdix, Phiale, Philyra, Phyllis, Pitys, Rhene, and Thisbe.

Names for dryads include: Beldis, Clytia, Daphne, Egeria, and Erato.

Names for naiads include: Abarbarea, Amalthea, Argyra, Caliadne, Callirrhoe, Cleocharia, Creusa, Cyane, Diopatra, Drosera, Lara, Lotis, Melite, and Naiad.

Names for oceanids include: Acaste, Addmete, Argia, Asia, Calypso, Caphira, Chryseis, Daira, Electra, Eudore, Ianira, Ianthe, Idyia, Petraea, and Rhodia.

Names for nereids include: Autonoe, Dynamene, Evagore, Evarne, Galene, Glauce, Panope, Pasithea, and Psamanthe.

The names of male faerys include: Aillen, Amadan Dubh, Brown Man, Cluricaun, Gredne, Donn, Fachan, Finvarra, Ghille, Kelpie, Luchtar, Melwas, Oberon, Puck, Rhys Dwfen, Tamerlane, Trow, Tylwyth, Urisk and Wichtlein.

The names of female faerys include: Aeval, Aine, Airmed, Aoibheal, Banshee, Bendith, Caer, Clethrad, Cliodna, Donagh, Eri, Glaistig, Uaine, Grania, Mab, Summer, Titania, and Una.

Names From History and Geography:

History and mythology have provided these male names and titles for magickal adepts and gods of magick: Aba-aner, Abbarais, Apollonius, Carinondas, Carrefour, CuRoi, Damigeron, Dardunus, Djedi, Djeheuty, Ea, Enki, Fintan, Gwydion, Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus, Hifmoses, Irin Mage, Khonsu, Magus, Marduk, Merlin, Mithras, Musa, Necta-nebus, Numa Pompilius, Simon Magus, Thespion, Zamolxis, and Zoroastres.
Names of Witch goddesses and female adepts include: Angitia, Aradia, Arionrhod, Aset, Berchta, Carman, Cessair, Circe, Dalukah, Diana, Ertha Etain, Greine, Hallawes, Hecalene, Hecate, Helice, Maia, Margawse, Marie Laveau, Medea, Medusa, Morgana, Nemain, Nimue, Rhiannon, Tlazolteotl, Vivienne, and Yemaya.

Some names from geographical places include: Abydos, Alexandria, Amenti, Babylonia, Byblos, Carthage, Delphi, Eire, Erin, Giza Ionia, Karnak, Nubia, Olympus, Persis, Petra, Salem, Saxon, Sedona, Sumer, Tara, Troy, Tyre, and Umbria.

Some names from well-known magickal priests include: Adapa, Anmutef, Astronomus, Babalawo, Balahala, Balsam, Brendan, Camma, Flamen Dialis, Galli, Heirophant, Imhotep, Kristophores, Manethon, Nebseni, Neocoris, Orpheus, Osorkon, Pastophoris, Petosiris, Plutarch, Psonchis, Ramesses, Rom, Semeref, Semnothite, Stolist, Tchatcha-em-ankh, Zaclas, and Zarathustra.

Some names from well-known Priestesses include: Althea, Boadicca, Cleopatra, Devadasi, Dryope, Enheduana, Entu, Heira, Hypatia, Io, Ishtarith, Jezebel, Cassandra, Mambo, Nadith, Nefertiti, Phryne, Pythia, Qadishtu, Sagae, Shamanka, Sibyl, Tcherau-ur, Thastius, and Volva.

Male Druid names include: Amergin, Calatin, Cathbad, Dubhtach, Emrys, Lochru, Myrrdin, Niul, Olc Aiche, Ono, Rechrad, Senias, Sitchenn, Tages, Taliesin, Trosdan, Tulchinne, and Urias.

Female Druid names include: Aoifa, Birog, Bodmall, Camma, Druidia, Dryade, Fidelma, Gaine, Ganna, Geal Chossach, Milucrah, Sin, Smirgat, Tlachtga, and Veleda.

Some names of those killed during The Burning Times include: Agata, Appollonia, Babel, Barclay, Barthelemy, Brigida, Bruno, Chantraine, Duncan, Elspeth, Horne, Isobel, Jennet, Joan, Jordemaine, Kilian, Kirstin, Lachlan, Macette, Marable, Margarethe, Margrat, Melchoir, Mirot, Og, Osborne, Powle, Redfearne, Sabina, Sylvanie, Veronika, Visirer, and Wyles.

Names From Alchemy:
Alchemical names include: Alchemilla, Alembic, Antimony, Argent, Cinnabar, Electrum, Khemeia, Luna, Magistery, Qemt, Quicksilver, Regulus, and Zaphara.

Animal Names:
Animals, both real and mythical provide a good source of magickal names.

Dragon names for males include: Dracunculus, Drake, Draco, Firedrake, Mandrake, and Ladon.
Dragon names for females include: Delphyne, Dracena, Mandragora, Medea, and Tiamat
Wolf names for males include: Fenris, Lycaon, Lycastus, Lycomedes, Lycotherses, and Lycus.
Wolf names for females include: Faula, and Lupa.

Raven names for males include: Adam, Bran, Bram, Corvus, Kronos, Morvran, and Vron.
Raven names for females include: Badb, Eriu, Etain, Macha, Medb, and Nemain.

Bear names for males include: Arcas, Artaios, Arthgen, Arthur, and Wachabe.
Bear names for females include: Andarta, Artio, Brauronia, Calisto, and Ursula.

Serpent names for males include: Ananta, Mahanaga, Ophion, Ouroboros, and Python.
Serpent names for females include: Kundalini, Lamia, Pythia, and Serpentine.

Horse names for males include: Abraxas, Aethiops, Arion, Bellerophon, Chrysippus, Hippomedon, Hippomenes, Melanippus, Pegasus, Phaethon, Sterope, and Xanthus.
Horse names for females include: Epona, Hippodaemia, and Hipponoe.

Sun, Moon, and Star Names:

Astronomy and mythology are sources for magickal names taken from the Sun, the Moon, and Stars.

Solar names include: Amaterasu, Ammon, Apollo, Arinna, Aten, Corolla, Daystar, Greine, Helios, Inti, Ra, Saule, Shams, Solara, Sunna, and Sunflower.

Lunar names include: Albina, Bendis, Cereus, Hecale, or Hecalene, Hillel, Hina, Ix Chel, Lunah, Moonlight, Moonstone, Moth, Nannar, Nyame, Phoebe, Selene, Sin, Thoth, Yarisk, Zarpandit, and Zirna.

Astral names include: Aldebaran, Algol, Altair, Andromeda, Antares, Aquila, Ara, Arcturus, Astra, Capella, Cassiopeia, Celeste, Circlet, Cygnus, Eridanus, Hesperus, Lyre or Lyra, Mira, Nebula, Nova, Orion, Perseus, Polaris, Saah, Sagitta, Sirius, Sothis, Star, Stella, Triangulum, Ursa, and Vega. Each zodiac sign is also the name of a constellation, and thus a potential astral name.

It has become fashionable in neo-Pagan culture to join several words together in order to create personalized names. Some examples of this are: Mystic Greenwood, Tempest Blue, Ebon Morvran, Myrrha Moontide, Emrys Buckthorn, Dark Weir, Veleda Thorn, Chryse Daystar, Celtic StormCrow, Cairn Firefox, Aldebaran Mage, Midnight Baelfire, and Riverine Fae.

All this I typed from The Magickal Almanac.

All the Wonderful Seasons

E-mail me for questions

A beautiful card from one of my Faery Oracles